アロイス&シャミア外伝 剣であり盾たる騎士団 Sword and Shield of Seiros
The Alliance has requested aid from the monastery, but the Knights of Seiros are low on personnel. Alois and Shamir decide that the students will have to suffice...
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
シャミア: ……と、いうわけだ。
Shamir: ...And that is our situation.
アロイス: なるほど、しかし動かせる戦力が……
Alois: But with so few knights, we'll surely―
アロイス: ……お、貴殿!ちょうどいいところに来てくれた!
Alois: Ah, Professor! Excellent timing.
Byleth: What's going on?
シャミア: 待て、アロイス。まさか生徒を使おうというのか?
Shamir: Alois. You're not going to suggest we send students, are you?
アロイス: そうだが。何か問題があるか?
Alois: I am, actually. Do you have a problem with that?
シャミア: ああ。レアさんの許可もなく、騎士団の任務は頼めまい。
Shamir: I do. We can't send them out on a knight's mission without Rhea's blessing.
アロイス: 実地訓練に協力した、ということにでもしておけば良いだろう。
Alois: I'm sure I can get the go-ahead. I'll just say the students have a...new field training opportunity, or something like that.
Besides, we'll be there. We're not going to let them get killed by pirates.
Choice 1: 海賊? What's this about pirates?
Choice 2: 何の話? What are you talking about?
シャミア: リーガン家の領都デアドラの港で、海賊の被害が多発しているんだ。
Shamir: There are pirates causing havoc in the port of Derdriu, at the center of House Riegan's territory.
アロイス: それを取り締まってほしいとの要請が、商人組合から東方教会経由であってな。
Alois: The merchants' Association sent a request via the Eastern Church, asking for protection.
Byleth: 東方教会? The Eastern Church?
シャミア: 東方教会は初耳か?存在感がないからな。
Shamir: You haven't heard of the Eastern Church? I suppose that's because they don't have much of a presence.
アロイス: 東方教会はフォドラ東部を管轄しているが、我々のような騎士団は有さない……
Alois: The Eastern Church controls eastern Fódlan. They don't have a standing army like we do.
So, for incidents like this, they customarily ask for help from the Central Church.
シャミア: 彼らも東部地域に何かしら貢献することで、同盟諸侯に存在感を示したいのだろう。
Shamir: I imagine they want to contribute to make their presence known in the Alliance.
アロイス: とはいえ、今は我々騎士団も多忙でな。簡単に人員を割ける状況ではない。
Alois: Be that as it may, we knights are quite busy. We don't have personnel to spare.
Therefore, we're enlisting your help!
シャミア: あんたは傭兵だったし、海賊討伐くらい経験があるんだよな?
Shamir: You should have some experience dealing with pirates from your mercenary days, right?
Choice 1: あるかもしれない I may.
Choice 2: 忘れた I don't remember.
シャミア: 生徒も、盗賊の討伐は経験済み……ま、問題にはならんか。
Shamir: The students have dealt with pirates, so this shouldn't be a problem for them.
アロイス: 鍛錬と思って付き合ってはもらえんか?商人たちから謝礼が出るかもしれんぞ!
Alois: Come with us, won't you? Think of it as a training exercise. The merchants' Association will reward us handsomely!
Choice 1: わかった(外伝戦闘へ) Let's go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
シャミア: あまり時間はかけられない。さっさと行って片づけてこよう。
Shamir: We don't have time to lose. Let's take care of this quickly.
Choice 2: どうしよう(準備に戻る) I don't know if I should. (Return to previous screen.
アロイス: 我々もすぐには出ないから、前向きに考えておいてくれんか?
Alois: We're not leaving right away. Think on it.
シャミア: 共に行く気になったら、私に声をかけろ。
Shamir: If you wish to join us, let me know.
海賊頭: 恐れ慄け! 我らはパルミラ水軍だ!抵抗すれば街を焼いちまうぞ! グハハハ!
Pirate Captain: Tremble before us! We are the great navy of Almyra! Resist and we'll burn this town to the ground!
アロイス: はて、パルミラ水軍? 聞いていた話よりも厄介なことになっているようだな……。
Alois: The Almyran navy... This is going to be tougher than I expected.
クロード: ……パルミラの船に似せてはいますが、あいつらただの海賊ですよ。
Claude: Huh? Sure, those look like Almyran ships, but I guarantee you they're just common pirates.
シャミア: 子供騙しのハッタリだ。が、商人を脅すには有効らしい。急ぐか。
Shamir: They're obviously bluffing, but it seems to be working on the merchants. Shall we?
商人: 騎士団の皆さん、お助けを!謝礼の用意もございますので、何卒!
Merchant: It's the knights! Please, save us! We'll reward you handsomely!
商人: 店を荒らされては一大事。海賊どもを街に入れないでください!
Merchant: It would be a disaster if they attacked our shops. Please, don't let them into town!
アロイス: うむ、承知した!我らセイロス騎士団に任せておけ!
Alois: We've got you. Leave it to the Knights of Seiros!
海賊: ギャッハハハ! 家も店もぶっ壊せ!金目の物は根こそぎ奪っちまえ!
Pirate: Hahaha! Smash up the houses and trash the shops! Swipe anything that's not nailed down!
商人: ひい! 街を荒らされては、騎士団の方々にお支払いする謝礼もなくなってしまう……!
Merchant: Aah! If they attack the town, we won't even be able to pay the knights their reward...
アロイス: まずい、海賊が街に入ってきたか!早く倒すのだ!
Alois: That's not good. The pirates have got into town. We have to beat them, quick.
シャミア: 街が荒らされている。対応を急げ。
Shamir: The town is under attack. We have to move quickly.
アロイス: セイロス騎士団の名に懸けて、悪党どもの暴挙を許すな!
Alois: We are the Knights of Seiros, and we will not tolerate your violent villainy!
商人: これ以上、街を荒らされては、お支払いできる謝礼にも影響が……。
Merchant: If the town gets damaged any further, we won't have much to offer as a reward...
アロイス: 謝礼などどうでもよいが、街は守ってやらねばならん!
Alois: Who cares about the reward? We're trying to protect the people!
海賊: 俺たちゃ残酷非道のパルミラ人だ!抵抗すりゃあ地獄を見るぜ! ギャハハ!
Pirate: We are the ruthless barbarians of Almyra! Resist and pay the price!
商人: こ、これでは商売を続けられなくなります!早くこいつらをどうにかしてください!
Merchant: Oh dear... My wares! I'll be ruined! Please, do something quickly!
vs Pirate Captain
シャミア: 任務だ、せいぜい恨め。
Shamir: Hate us all you want. We're just doing our job.
海賊頭: ほざけ!俺に勝てると思ってんのか!
Pirate Captain: Idle prattle! You think you can beat us?
アロイス: 貴様が海賊の頭目か!主の御名において成敗する!!
Alois: You're in charge of this sorry band, huh? We'll punish you in the name of the goddess!
海賊頭: うるせえ!返り討ちだあ!
Pirate Captain: Quiet, you! Time for a counter attack!
クロード: パルミラの名を借りて悪行三昧とはね。
Claude: How could you commit such crimes in the name of Almyra?
It's because of two-bit miscreants like you that Almyrans suffer so much hate!
海賊頭: だ、黙れ! お前が何と言おうと、俺たちは本物のパルミラ軍だ!
Pirate Captain: Sh-shut up! Say what you will, we're the real navy of Almyra!
クロード: ったく迷惑な連中だぜ……。パルミラの名を騙るなら、もっとマシな戦い方しろっての。
Claude: Ugh, what a pain that guy was. If you're going to pose as an Almyran, at least fight like one!
アロイス: ようやく片づいたか……!思ったよりも骨の折れる任務だったな。
Alois: Well, that's over with. They were a lot more trouble than I expected.
商人: ありがとうございました!これは謝礼です、どうぞお受け取りを。
Merchant: Thank you so much! Here's your reward. Please, take it.
アロイス: 一応、片づいたが……。……だいぶ、街が荒らされてしまったな。
Alois: Well, we got rid of them, but the town's not looking too pretty.
商人: ありがとうございました……。あまり多くはありませんが、謝礼を……。
Merchant: Thank you. It's not much, but please take this as a reward.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
アロイス: いやはや、ここまで大掛かりな戦いになるとは、想定外だった。
Alois: Good gracious, I didn't expect it to become such a large-scale battle.
シャミア: 連中がパルミラ軍に偽装していたことで、商人たちも必要以上に混乱していたようだ。
Shamir: It seems they caused the merchants unnecessary confusion by disguising themselves as Almyrans.
アロイス: だが、これに懲りて海賊どもも少しはおとなしくなるだろう。
Alois: We taught the pirates a lesson though. That should calm them down a bit.
I know this was more than you signed up for, but you really saved us!
Choice 1: 良い経験ができた It was an interesting experience.
Choice 2: 良い鍛錬だった It was good training. (Shamir ⤴)
シャミア: 使われたというのに、人間ができているな、先生。
Shamir: Thanks for your help. This can't be how you were expecting your day to go.
アロイス: うむ、流石は団長の子だ。器が大きい!迷惑をかけた代わりと言ってはなんだが……
Alois: Patient and understanding, just like Captain Jeralt. We owe you a token of our appreciation, I think.
Take the reward from the merchants' Association. Share it with your students, if you like.
Choice 1: 本当に? Really?
Choice 2: 貰えない I can't accept this.
シャミア: 遠慮するな。我々の報酬は東方教会から出る。
Shamir: Take it. We'll collect our reward from the Eastern Church.
Besides, Alois could never keep it for himself.
アロイス: 当たり前だ! 我らは聖者セイロスの剣であり盾たる騎士団なのだぞ。
Alois: Of course not! We knights serve as the sword and shield of Saint Seiros herself.
We pride ourselves on our integrity! We reject all rewards that are not perfectly legitimate!
シャミア: 要は、後ろめたいことをすれば眠れなくなる小心者だ。
Shamir: In other words, he's a coward who would feel guilty and lose sleep over it.
アロイス: む……。
Alois: Hmph.
シャミア: ま、それが長所でもあるが。
Shamir: That's also one of his many merits.
アロイス: ははは、歯に衣着せぬシャミア殿も、ようやく人を立てるということを覚えたか。
Alois: Shamir, you don't mince words. Though it does seem like you've learned how to show a little respect.
シャミア: あんたから教わったよ。
Shamir: Must've learned that from you.
アロイス: そんなこと、教えた覚えなどないがなあ。まあ、先生。そういうことだから……。
Alois: I don't remember teaching you that. Anyway, Professor, keep the compensation. I'd say you've earned it.
Those merchants really needed your help. For all the buying and selling they do, they're not so good at trading blows!
シャミア: ………………。
Shamir: ...
アロイス: む、わかりづらかったか?お金と、おっかないをだな……。
Alois: Get it, "trading blows"? They... And merchants, they... Oh, forget it.
シャミア: さて、次の任務が待っている。じゃあな、先生。
Shamir: We have to prepare for our next mission. Until next time, Professor.